New packaging law as of 1 Jan. 2019 - mandatory registration
More information on the topic of the new packaging law

The new Packaging Act
The new Packaging Act (VerpackG) will come into force on 1 January 2019, replacing the currently applicable Packaging Regulation (VerpackV). The previous Packaging Regulation and the new Packaging Act apply to all those who place packaging filled with goods and accumulating at the end consumer on the market.
Registration required
We would like to inform you that you are required to register as a system participant
(according to § 7 VerpackG) until the end of the year at the newly created organisation
"Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackugsregister" by the end of the year.
You can find more information on the topic of the "new packaging law" at
There you will find a checklist for registration as well as the registration portal.
Best regards from Langenzenn
Your Ströbel Team